Dishonored 2 metacritic download
Dishonored 2 metacritic download

Many of the story missions take place in specific buildings, such as the Addermire Institute (a forbidding former hospital) or the Clockwork Mansion, home to Kirin Jindosh, who has kidnapped Sokolov and is building an army of Clockwork Soldiers – which are essentially steampunk attack-robots. Parts of the city can only be entered via Walls of Light, which will instantly vaporise you, so you must use your powers to disable or circumvent them. Karnaca’s inhabitants are routinely hostile to anyone they don’t recognise, and the streets are patrolled by various different hierarchies of guards, who will attack on sight, as will the likes of the street criminals known as Howlers. Emily or Corvo must perform a succession of pleasingly arcane missions, during which a storyline involving some gloriously decadent and unhinged characters unfolds, in the face of constant hostility.

dishonored 2 metacritic download

Whichever you choose, you must escape the palace, stealth your way to Dunwall’s docks, then find a woman called Meagan Foster, an associate of Corvo’s old mate Anton Sokolov, who whisks you away to the city of Karnaca on the southern island of Serkonos, from whence the coup clearly originated.the tough get going At that point, you discover one way in which Dishonored 2 diverges from the first game: you must choose whether to play as Emily or Corvo.Įmily has different powers than Corvo, but is every bit as skilled in the arts of stealth and assassination as him.

Dishonored 2 metacritic download